Something a little unique that can’t be done everywhere is some camp oven cooking. All the equipment is here so do your research, print off your recipes, pack all your ingredients and take up the challenge. From dampers to stews, puddings and even cakes – it is technically not that difficult and the satisfactory feeling it gives you is reward enough – not to mention your delicious creations.
Most of the walks around Wallaroo require a guide but Skull Mountain that stands behind the Retreat is an interesting place to explore. There is a set walking path but if you feel like going for a rock scramble early one morning then look no further. Take along your torch to check out sandstone crevasses for leaf tail geckos, as well as your binoculars to help identify the birdlife.
A small dam not far from the Retreat is home to a couple of hundred blue claw yabbies. Even if you simply catch and release, the kids get a great thrill from pulling up their nets to reveal their prize. Organise a yabby race beside the dam bank to see whose will be first back into the water. The Retreat has yabby traps you can borrow.
The Retreat hosts a variety of board games but make sure you pack your favourite and enjoy the belly laughing that always seems to accompany such games. Or if you’re a fan of 500 throw in the cards and set the challenge! For those wanting to burn off excess energy, there is plenty of room for a game of soccer or a hit of cricket if you have the essentials.
Ever cracked a whip? With a little instruction it is very achievable. Picture yourself as the Man from Snowy River wheeling in those brumbies – and make sure somebody gets it on film!
If you have a spot light make sure you bring it along. A lot of Wallaroo’s wildlife is nocturnal and some of it can be spotted in the towering Eucalypts around the Retreat at night. Sugar Gliders, Greater Gliders, Barn Owls, Frog Mouth Owls and more can all be found within 100 meters of the Retreat – if you’re lucky.